Crossroads of Faith United Methodist Church


Invite, Equip, Send... people to be Disciples of Jesus Christ



Join us for worship

 every Sunday morning 

at 9:45 a.m.

Communion is shared at every worship service. 

Everyone is welcome to the table.

Crossroads of Faith 

1570 Rodeo Drive, Bolingbrook, IL 60490


Crossroads Children's Choir

Do you have a little one in your life who would love to sing praises to God?  We now have a Children's Choir.

2 rehearsals a month - immediately after Sunday Worship 10:45-11:45am
1 performance each month - during Worship Service To sign up or get more info, talk to Sarah Polodna or contact the church office for a schedule.  


Watch our recent 

Service above

Check out our previous online services

Click HERE


Haven't been to church in a while? or ever?

You are welcome anytime!


We're delighted you 

are visiting us online! 

Our contemporary worship services are a wonderful blend of spiritual tradition, raising prayers of joys and concerns, preaching the gospel, and live contemporary Christian music. 

If God has been calling to you or if you are looking for strength or direction in your life, searching for meaning or purpose, for healing, acceptance, reconciliation, or redemption, please check us out. Read about all the opportunities we have here. 
We would also like to know, how may we pray for you? Please send us your prayer concerns and celebrations.

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